When most people picture the products in a vending machine, they probably think of things like soft drink, chips and chocolate, not nutritious snacks like tuna snacks, paleo bars, dried fruit, yoghurt, gluten-free goodies, protein shakes and kombucha. That’s exactly what many machines are now stocked with though, thanks to the evolution of vending driven by consumers.
This is a boon for areas that typically encourage healthy options, such as workplaces, medical centres and hospitals, schools and other educational facilities and it’s paying off. People at these locations don’t want to be lining up at their local café to pay an exorbitant amount for a snack – especially if they then need to scoff it down in what remains of their lunch hour! The convenience and affordability of a vending machine is much more appealing. Here are four more reasons why vending machines are a great choice for your workplace, school or as an investment option…
Healthy vending machines are no-fuss
In the past, a vending machine owner would need to physically check their machines each day to see what needs re-stocking or check if there are any issues. These days, vending machines are smart and use computer programming to track what’s running low or out, as well as calculating where things sell and when.
This technology allows owners to predict the stock needed for each location, as well as letting them know when stock is needed. At Robinson’s Vending, we go even further and monitor stock levels, stock requirements and maintenance or repairs for you, so you don’t need to lift a finger!
Using the machine is super easy
Customers can order a delicious, healthy snack in seconds just by tapping a button and swiping their bank card or dropping in a few coins. It truly couldn’t be easier with Robinson’s Vending machines. There’s no waiting in line or for an order, there’s no worrying about having to carry change, because our machines take cards. We have machines large enough to fit a huge range of products, meaning the choices are easy for customers or they’ll buy a product they might not even have considered in the first place.
Students and employees love healthy vending machines
Schools and other educational facilities have traditionally shunned vending machines due to the unhealthy snack options, but the schools who did opt into having them found them to be hugely popular. This popularity stems for the same reasons as workplaces – convenience and time-saving – but it’s also due to the ‘cool’ factor that using a vending machine offers.
As for workplaces, both large and small companies who have chosen to install a vending machine say they could see the many benefits of catering to their employees. Not only do healthier food options increase employee satisfaction, but healthy vending machines also keep employees on-site during shorter breaks, which increases productivity overall.
Your locations aren’t limited
A major benefit of owning a healthy vending machine is the fact that you’re not restricted to placing your machine in specific areas because of the stigma of unhealthy snacks. They open you up to so many locations that may not have been willing to host them if they weren’t healthy food options, such as the aforementioned schools and workplaces, campuses, as well as hospitals, sports venues, gyms, airports, hotel lobbies, children’s play centres, at events.
Even some cafes and cafeterias have opted to install a healthy vending machine to complement their offerings. While healthy vending machines aren’t designed to replace full-service food operations, they are perfect for situations where people need to satiate their hunger fast and for little cost. Vending machines from Robinson’s Vending fulfil this need, don’t take up much room and don’t use a lot of electricity.
Just like any other advancement, vending machine technology and food options are improving dramatically with the times and Robinson’s Vending is always tracking the latest foodservice developments in order to improve. If you’d like to find out more about the benefits of healthy vending machines or vending in general, give us a call on 0434 282 598 or click here to contact us.